Current Research
I am currently working on projects that expand upon the results of my doctoral dissertation. My main areas of focus are that of multifractal analysis and symbolic representations of dynamical systems and their thermodynamic formalism. Many of the dynamical systems that I work with may be represented by countable-state subshifts of finite type. The thermodynamic formalism of which was first developed by Gurewic and Savchenko in the case where the subshift generated by an incidence matrix was assumed to be locally compact. In most cases, the subshifts that I am interested in fail to be locally compact and so the toolbox for understanding these dynamical systems is a bit different. These symbolic dynamical systems are typically associated with some type of underlying iterated function system (IFS), and its corresponding limit set. Many famous ‘fractal’ sets correspond to such limit sets and developing and investigating descriptions of these sets (Hausdorff dimension, connectedness properties, etc.) has become a rapidly evolving area of mathematical research. The study of multifractal analysis, appearing to begin with Rand’s work on cookie-cutter Cantor sets in 1989 and pushed in more recent times by Cawley, Mauldin, and Urbański, amongst others, studies these limit sets by partitioning them based on some dynamically significant parameter hence giving finer descriptions of the limit set than a traditional fractal-dimension analysis could capture.
I have a handful of other projects in preparation as well. I am actively working on problems concerning objects of study in random dynamical systems, random topological dynamics, point-set topology and dimension theory, and nowhere differentiable function theory.
Decker B. and Dalaklis N., The D-Variant of Transfinite Hausdorff Dimension. Submitted Nov. 2024. Preprint available:
Dalaklis N., Multifractal Analysis of F-exponents for Finitely Irreducible Conformal Graph Directed Markov Systems. Submitted Aug. 2024. Preprint available:
Dalaklis N., Kawamura K., Mathis T., and Paizanis M., The partial derivative of Okamoto’s functions with respect to the parameter. Real Analysis Exchange 48(1): 165-178 (2023). DOI: 10.14321/realanalexch.48.1.1638769133
Abstract: We will take a moment to recall a result from Fan et al. (2009) regarding a characterization of the Khintchine spectrum of the Gauss map. Proceeding by analogy, we then define multifractal decompositions with respect to F-exponents and state a general result that applies to a wider class of systems and spectra. Our brief dive into multifractal analysis ends with a look at an example of the Lyapunov spectrum for a particular Lüroth expansion.
Multifractal Analysis of F-exponents for Finitely Irreducible Conformal Graph Directed Markov Systems (Dynamical Systems and Fractal Geometry Conference, hosted by UNT, May 2024)
Extremal F-Exponents of Finitely Irreducible CGDMSs (UNT Dynamical Systems Seminar 2024)
Abstract: Given a Hölder family of functions 𝐹 and a finitely irreducible CGDMS Φ encoded by a symbolic representation 𝐸∞𝐴, one may associate to each coding 𝜔∈𝐸∞𝐴 a Birkhoff average 𝜉(𝜔) called the 𝐹-exponent of 𝜔, should it exist. The ergodic optimization of these exponents by way of zero-temperature style limits is important to the characterization of Birkhoff spectra for CGDMSs. In this talk, we will introduce the objects at play in this optimization problem and the results which address this problem for a large collection of possible families 𝐹.
The Partial Derivative of Okamoto’s Function With Respect to the Parameter (Special Session on Fractal Geometry, Dynamical Systems, and Their Applications at The 13th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems,Differential Equations and Applications, 2023)
Abstract: The differentiability of the one parameter family of Okamoto`s functions as functions of x has been analyzed extensively since their introduction in 2005. In this talk, we motivate why one might choose to study the partial derivative with respect to the parameter before then considering this partial derivative for Okamoto`s functions. We place a significant focus on a = 1/3 as an analogue to our motivation and describe the properties of a nowhere differentiable function derived from this setting, K(x), for which the set of points of infinite derivative produces an example of a measure zero set with Hausdorff dimension 1. Time allowing, we will look to future questions stemming from this work.
Factors of Symbolic Dynamical Systems: The Curtis-Hedlund-Lyndon Theorem (UNT Dynamical Systems Seminar 2022)
Abstract: Understanding the structure of factor maps for a category of dynamical systems is important for understanding the relationships between dynamical properties of objects within that category. In the case of finite alphabet symbolic dynamics, The Curtis-Hedlund-Lyndon Theorem, a fundamental result in the study of symbolic dynamics, gives a complete description of these factor maps for the symbolic dynamics of a group G over some alphabet A. In this talk we will go through the argument of the theorem, make connections to the widely studied case where G is the group of the integers, and then, if time allows, present a counterexample to the theorem in the case of an infinite alphabet.